Heated coasters

2023-06-06 Home Appliance 2381 4 23


China · Pet Supplies

Heated coasters

2023-06-06 Home Appliance 2381 4 23


China · Pet Supplies

A heating coaster designed the year before last went smoothly and was mass produced in a few months.
Party A's dad details page is very beautiful, borrow it for use ~

Heating coaster,small home appliances,Coaster,Kitchen appliances,product design,Simplicity,fashion,
Heating coaster,small home appliances,Coaster,Kitchen appliances,product design,Simplicity,fashion,
Heating coaster,small home appliances,Coaster,Kitchen appliances,product design,Simplicity,fashion,
Heating coaster,small home appliances,Coaster,Kitchen appliances,product design,Simplicity,fashion,
Heating coaster,small home appliances,Coaster,Kitchen appliances,product design,Simplicity,fashion,
Heating coaster,small home appliances,Coaster,Kitchen appliances,product design,Simplicity,fashion,
Heating coaster,small home appliances,Coaster,Kitchen appliances,product design,Simplicity,fashion,
Heating coaster,small home appliances,Coaster,Kitchen appliances,product design,Simplicity,fashion,
Heating coaster,small home appliances,Coaster,Kitchen appliances,product design,Simplicity,fashion,
Heating coaster,small home appliances,Coaster,Kitchen appliances,product design,Simplicity,fashion,
Heating coaster,small home appliances,Coaster,Kitchen appliances,product design,Simplicity,fashion,
23 12
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Comment Board (4)

设计猫 2023-06-07

Not bad, huh

北极不下雪 2023-06-07

Is it suitable for winter coffee?

玩世不恭 2023-06-07

very convenient

RUN 2023-06-07

I think this is suitable for baby food supplement

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