64-channel scientific research grade non-liquid ammonia core magnetograph Miracle MCGPro

2023-11-06 Medical Instruments 1971 3 19


China · Digital Intelligence

64-channel scientific research grade non-liquid ammonia core magnetograph Miracle MCGPro

2023-11-06 Medical Instruments 1971 3 19


China · Digital Intelligence

Using minimalist modernist design style, using simple lines and basic geometric shapes to outline product modeling, focusing on functionality and practicality. Consider the patient's psychological process, table height, lying posture and detection angle and other factors to ensure that patients have no sense of resistance. Set the lights inside to take care of the space claustrophobic. The product is mainly white, embellished with dark gray, creating a comfortable atmosphere and calming the patient's mood. Environmental awareness is increasing, we use glass fiber reinforced plastic material, light, high strength, waterproof, corrosion resistance, do not consume a lot of natural resources, environmental protection and safety. It can be recycled and reused to improve sustainability, easy to clean and disinfect, and avoid secondary infection.

Medical equipment,
Medical equipment,
Medical equipment,
Medical equipment,
Medical equipment,
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Comment Board (3)

祝福街 2023-11-07

Not bad, not bad

逆风安在 2023-11-07

Too good

风一样的你 2023-11-07

This is very good

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