[China Bai Zhe Xuan] Pig Affairs Successfully Packed

2020-03-31 Other Industries 3336 10 15


China · Other Industries

[China Bai Zhe Xuan] Pig Affairs Successfully Packed

2020-03-31 Other Industries 3336 10 15


China · Other Industries
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
Chinese white,Zhe Xuan,packing,Design,pig,color,
15 39
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Comment Board (10)

etherealelf 2020-04-02

The design is quite exquisite , quietly ask, what is the difference between the anti-seismic effect and cost of the sponge lining and the paper-plastic lining?

中国白·哲选Owner 2020-04-02
the products are installed separately, so the seismic effect is quite good. If the paper is better, the cost will be higher.
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精罗 2020-04-01

This year is the year of the rat ~ but I still like white and fat little pigs.

中国白·哲选Owner 2020-04-01
if you like, I will also share the products of the year of the pig with you next time,
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设计蓓蓓 2020-04-01

This is the packaging. Is the product yours?

中国白·哲选Owner 2020-04-01
Yes, the product is also . it is a product of the year of the pig. it has not been sent here before, so share it with me.
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陇海 2020-04-01

Cocoa love love

中国白·哲选Owner 2020-04-01
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何必无 2020-04-01

This year is the Year of the Rat. Is this the packaging design of last year?

中国白·哲选Owner 2020-04-01
is a drop, there is a write in front, share the packaging of pig year products,
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