Industrial circular saw machine

2024-06-19 Tools&Equipment 289 1 0


China · Other Industries

Industrial circular saw machine

2024-06-19 Tools&Equipment 289 1 0


China · Other Industries
numerical control machine,Industrial automation,Large sheet metal,
numerical control machine,Industrial automation,Large sheet metal,
numerical control machine,Industrial automation,Large sheet metal,
numerical control machine,Industrial automation,Large sheet metal,
numerical control machine,Industrial automation,Large sheet metal,
numerical control machine,Industrial automation,Large sheet metal,
numerical control machine,Industrial automation,Large sheet metal,
numerical control machine,Industrial automation,Large sheet metal,
0 11
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Comment Board (1)

👽 2024-06-26

Please ask, how is the piece that runs through the metal waist line made, is it a hand plate or an open mold?

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