Poxi × People's Daily · People's Cultural Creation Chinese Red Tea Gift Box

2019-10-25 Home Furniture 1568 0 2


China · Home Furniture

Poxi × People's Daily · People's Cultural Creation Chinese Red Tea Gift Box

2019-10-25 Home Furniture 1568 0 2


China · Home Furniture

Poxi joined hands with People's Daily & People's Cultural Creation to create a hard-core gift box for domestic products rich in ingenuity.

tea set,Chinese Red,People's daily,jointly,70th anniversary,Poxi,prodigy ,Ingenuity,

United People's Daily,
Pay tribute to the ordinary heroes around you with new domestic products.

tea set,Chinese Red,People's daily,jointly,70th anniversary,Poxi,prodigy ,Ingenuity,

Poxi X People's Daily People's Cultural Creation
Poi Little Dome Joint Gift Box

tea set,Chinese Red,People's daily,jointly,70th anniversary,Poxi,prodigy ,Ingenuity,
tea set,Chinese Red,People's daily,jointly,70th anniversary,Poxi,prodigy ,Ingenuity,
tea set,Chinese Red,People's daily,jointly,70th anniversary,Poxi,prodigy ,Ingenuity,
tea set,Chinese Red,People's daily,jointly,70th anniversary,Poxi,prodigy ,Ingenuity,
tea set,Chinese Red,People's daily,jointly,70th anniversary,Poxi,prodigy ,Ingenuity,
tea set,Chinese Red,People's daily,jointly,70th anniversary,Poxi,prodigy ,Ingenuity,
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