5G Rhapsody: Internet of Everything, Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Silicon-Based Awakening

2019-06-09 Other Industries 2319 7 7


China · Other Industries

5G Rhapsody: Internet of Everything, Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Silicon-Based Awakening

2019-06-09 Other Industries 2319 7 7


China · Other Industries

5G is the college entrance examination of upstream enterprises Huawei, ZTE, Qualcomm, Intel and Ericsson, and it is not a "dragon door" designed by China "...

5G,Rhapsody,Interconnection of all things,Mixed reality,artificial intelligence,Silicon based Awakening,

On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival and the college entrance examination, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued 5G commercial licenses to China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Radio and Television; is there a feeling of joy from the sky?

This is not our "Unreliable Entity List" has not yet been released. Huawei and ZTE have already been waiting for it. Intel, Ericsson and Qualcomm have begun to "turn their elbows out" to get on China's 5G express. Presumably, there will be more international tycoons to join China's largest "racing game" in the 5G application market ".

Whether it is for the current trade war or the 2018 economic winter, 5G is an excellent breakthrough; it may bring an investment feast of 1.5 trillion capital.

Of course, there has been too much discussion on the Internet about why 5G is in advance, when it will be popularized, how can it be used in radio and television, whether it will change mobile phones and charges? We focus on 5G itself and the market changes that its emergence may bring?

Since everything is ready and Dongfeng gives face in this way, how far are we from the popularization of 5G?

At present, what we lack most is the application of phenomenon level. Phenomenal level products and phenomenal level ecology make 5G melon ripe and sprouted.

So, in which areas are these "phenomenal species" likely to appear?

5G,Rhapsody,Interconnection of all things,Mixed reality,artificial intelligence,Silicon based Awakening,

Internet of Everything: Traditional Access

As early as 1985, Peter T. Lewis put forward the concept of internet of things (IoT ,Internet of things). it is well documented that Bill Gates mentioned the interconnection of things in his book "the road to the future" in 1995. until the world information summit in 2005, the international telecommunication union released "ITU internet report 2005: internet of things", pointing out that the era of "internet of things" has come.

But 14 years later, the "Internet of Everything" is still just a trillion-dollar market that makes people jealous. We have no hesitation in adding "core" to furniture, consumption and travel, but their performance is still not satisfactory, at least not as "intelligent" as we imagined ".

The reason why we have not given up the imagination of the Internet of Everything may be that mobile phones and tablets have also met their own ceilings after televisions and computers. As a result, some communication manufacturers have to make an issue of smart wear, such as bracelets, watches and eyes.

Apple, Xiaomi, Huawei, Samsung and Fitbit carve up sales of 49.6 million units in Q1, with Apple's growth slowing and Huawei's growth rising.

5G,Rhapsody,Interconnection of all things,Mixed reality,artificial intelligence,Silicon based Awakening,

In addition to smart wearable devices, life assistants are gradually emerging from speakers, alarm clocks to televisions.

5G,Rhapsody,Interconnection of all things,Mixed reality,artificial intelligence,Silicon based Awakening,

Mixed Reality: Virtual Perceived

If the Internet of Everything is to "load" the real world into the network without reservation, our habits, preferences, life and daily life will be "digitized".

Then mixed reality is to confine the "flesh" that human beings cannot load in the era of the Internet of Everything to the virtual world through auxiliary tools, and open the "second life" of human beings here ".

In 2015, we were excited by Magic Leap's whale. Although Magic Leap's holographic projection was finally revealed to be fake, it also reflected the attraction of the virtual world to human beings.

In 2019, Microsoft's HoloLens 2 almost realized Magic Leap's "hypothesis". Although it was designated as an application terminal for vertical scenes, it also proved the possibility of MR artificial system.

5G,Rhapsody,Interconnection of all things,Mixed reality,artificial intelligence,Silicon based Awakening,

HoloLens 2, which is just a visual aid, is somewhat realistic. Once we break through the gap between VR (virtual reality)/AR (augmented reality)/MR (mixed reality) and turn them into a large "virtual ecosystem", it may become a "cloud game" in another sense ".

Who said that "No.1 Player" released in 2018 is not a cloud game?

5G,Rhapsody,Interconnection of all things,Mixed reality,artificial intelligence,Silicon based Awakening,

Artificial Intelligence: Smart Killed

On June 4, Samsung's official announcement was working on the development of 6G, still focusing on artificial intelligence and robotics.

It can be seen that 5G and artificial intelligence are not isolated, they are twin and symbiotic: 5G needs the computing power of artificial intelligence to channel the transmission and calculation of huge data streams, and artificial intelligence also needs the extremely high speed of 5G, large traffic and massive Internet of Things training and upgrading their own algorithms.

However, for human beings, artificial intelligence is not like the "tools" they created before. It can "act on its own" according to its preset logic algorithm; the algorithm gives it a certain degree of "autonomy" and magnifies its vulnerability to emergency plans.

Because we presuppose the subjective goal of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence can only be realized in an objective way. The key is that its execution is still so strong.

5G,Rhapsody,Interconnection of all things,Mixed reality,artificial intelligence,Silicon based Awakening,

Ai-Da, named after Ada Lovelace, the world's first female computer programmer, can draw art with a pencil and use intelligent algorithms.

Like AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and Sofia, the robot that once said it would destroy human beings, human beings always spread AI panic on one side while giving AI endless "superpowers" on the other ".

5G,Rhapsody,Interconnection of all things,Mixed reality,artificial intelligence,Silicon based Awakening,

Silicon-based awakening: automatic evolution

To some extent, robots should be a branch of artificial intelligence; they have almost the same core, but robots are endowed with a certain "biological form" that can replace humans in some ways, but they are relatively partial.

Moreover, at this stage, robot listening, speaking, reading and writing are basically routine operations, and more and more scientists and entrepreneurs are busy empowering them, such as Boston Dynamic robots, which have exploded their circle of friends.

SpotMini can play coquetry, Spot can map, Atlas can parkour, Handle can go downstairs, think about what else Boston Dynamic can't do.

5G,Rhapsody,Interconnection of all things,Mixed reality,artificial intelligence,Silicon based Awakening,

The brand-new instrument "Yummy Sake" developed by "Future Japan Hotel" can blindly taste 10 Japanese wines with different flavors. On this basis, they are still studying the re-binding of actual taste and analysis data and exploring the compatibility of taste and aroma.

Of course, these "impossible actions" for robots are small case for humans, but what are the advantages of humans when robots are more like humans?

5G,Rhapsody,Interconnection of all things,Mixed reality,artificial intelligence,Silicon based Awakening,

Combined with the three major application scenarios of 5G, eMBB (large flow), uRLLC (low latency) and mMTC (massive Internet of Things), the essence of 5G is actually "to further enhance the productivity of information: liquidity, timeliness and inclusiveness".

In this irreversible process, what our designers can do is to find a more reasonable link entrance for the Internet of Everything, create a more dreamy interactive terminal for mixed reality, bring crowns and shackles to artificial intelligence, and give humanity to silicon-based awakening.

PS: The picture material comes from the Internet

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Comment Board (7)

小小怪 2019-06-17

I just want to see the games in the novel come true. I want to play my dream.

何鲸洛Owner 2019-06-17
Isn't the fighting robot now taking the first step? It is very imaginative to slowly combine with VR.
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嘿嘿 2019-06-10

The whale really wants to be there

何鲸洛Owner 2019-06-10
Unfortunately, it was proved to be fake later...
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小7梦 2019-06-10

This is the article of the public number

何鲸洛Owner 2019-06-10
Yes, I wrote the number "industrial design of things...
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Kenzo 2019-06-10


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