Five-axis laser machining center

2023-01-29 Tools&Equipment 4010 2 24


China · Tools&Equipment

Five-axis laser machining center

2023-01-29 Tools&Equipment 4010 2 24


China · Tools&Equipment

Customer: Xi 'an Institute of Optics and Mechanics
Design Team: Shanghai Root No.3
Design time: 4-month cycle in May, 2021
Services: User Experience/Appearance Design/Structural Assembly Design

Customer design needs: high-end, technological sense, different
The modeling inspiration of the equipment comes from pure geometric form, and the three-dimensional block surface modeling makes the equipment more robust and hierarchical. The inclined plane design in the lower right corner of the sliding door and the square shape complement each other, "fierce collision", giving people a subjective feeling of jumping visually. The triangular state operation indicator corresponding to the sliding door has an association with the shape of the sliding door, and also contains a design language of movement, power and speed. Finally, it achieves the effect that echoes the main function of the device, and at the same time enriches the overall shape of the product. When the user opens, closes, observes, and operates, it provides it with a user experience that gets rid of cold, mechanical, and boring.
The color matching is mainly black and white. The sliding door adopts the processing technology of UV printing laser line decoration pattern on the back. The material technology is mainly SPCC plastic spraying, and the high-end feeling and grade feeling of the equipment are highlighted by details such as acrylic and local decoration of light bars.

Laser machine tool,Sheet metal equipment,
Laser machine tool,Sheet metal equipment,
Laser machine tool,Sheet metal equipment,
Laser machine tool,Sheet metal equipment,
Laser machine tool,Sheet metal equipment,
Laser machine tool,Sheet metal equipment,
Laser machine tool,Sheet metal equipment,
Laser machine tool,Sheet metal equipment,
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Comment Board (2)

最美不过初阳 2023-01-30


季节温暖眼瞳 2023-01-30

The overall match is very atmospheric.

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