Two-purpose leafless heating fan

2020-12-23 Home Appliance 6029 3 18


China · Home Appliance

Two-purpose leafless heating fan

2020-12-23 Home Appliance 6029 3 18


China · Home Appliance

Leaf-free fan, leaf-free heating dual-purpose, but also can purify the air. Suspended remote control for easy access.

Vaneless fan design,Home appliance design,Creative design,conceptual design,Heater design,
Vaneless fan design,Home appliance design,Creative design,conceptual design,Heater design,
Vaneless fan design,Home appliance design,Creative design,conceptual design,Heater design,
Vaneless fan design,Home appliance design,Creative design,conceptual design,Heater design,
Vaneless fan design,Home appliance design,Creative design,conceptual design,Heater design,
18 91
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Comment Board (3)

阿政 2022-05-29

There are a few products. I didn't see enough. I hope I can send more products.

空城旧人心 2020-12-23

Is there already a product design?

No mass production
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