Bus Design

2023-11-06 Automotive Design 4386 8 35


China · Other Industries

Bus Design

2023-11-06 Automotive Design 4386 8 35


China · Other Industries

This product is mainly designed for short-distance bus routes in cities. It applies a new ring handrail and non-obstruction channel design, which solves the problems of most existing products in the ring handrail and barrier-free design. This product is designed in the interior of the compartment. The personalized division design is integrated into the design to meet the personalized needs of different groups of people. In the appearance design of this product, the design expression form of "generous and fine circle, upper and lower circle" is mainly applied, and some gradient inclined planes are applied to reflect the dynamic feeling of the product. Then the above design expression forms are innovatively integrated to design a bus product with good visual effect and comfort.

Create quality travel, guide green travel,Design,bus,Design of Bus Rings,
Create quality travel, guide green travel,Design,bus,Design of Bus Rings,
Create quality travel, guide green travel,Design,bus,Design of Bus Rings,
Create quality travel, guide green travel,Design,bus,Design of Bus Rings,
Create quality travel, guide green travel,Design,bus,Design of Bus Rings,
Create quality travel, guide green travel,Design,bus,Design of Bus Rings,
Create quality travel, guide green travel,Design,bus,Design of Bus Rings,
Create quality travel, guide green travel,Design,bus,Design of Bus Rings,
Create quality travel, guide green travel,Design,bus,Design of Bus Rings,
Create quality travel, guide green travel,Design,bus,Design of Bus Rings,
Create quality travel, guide green travel,Design,bus,Design of Bus Rings,
Create quality travel, guide green travel,Design,bus,Design of Bus Rings,
35 39
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Comment Board (8)

135****1487 2024-03-28

Very high feasibility

135****7862 2023-12-08

Can't the rings be made soft

风云Owner 2023-12-14
It should be possible, but hard and design
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灰太狼 2023-11-07

萌小孩 2023-11-07

this design is great

风云Owner 2023-11-07
Ha ha ha
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会跳舞的海草 2023-11-07

very good

风云Owner 2023-11-07
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