Coffee Cup Design

2023-12-26 Home Furniture 4815 4 34


China · Digital Intelligence

Coffee Cup Design

2023-12-26 Home Furniture 4815 4 34


China · Digital Intelligence

The Ceramics Vacuum is positioned as a white-collar worker in the office. The ceramic inner liner is used and developed and designed in cooperation with Jingdezhen enterprises. Coffee with porcelain or more elegant, we give the coffee cup shape and semantics, the overall simplicity and elegance.
On a sunny morning outside the window, the breeze blew, the birds slipped from the trees, their tails lightly touched the blooming flowers, and they laughed like playing games with friends.
In the house, I was carrying a cup of hot coffee to taste the good mood of the morning.
Product Name/The Ceramics Vacuum
Design Time/May 2023
Note: The work is protected by patent and commercial use is prohibited. Once discovered, legal responsibility will be investigated according to law.

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vacuum cup,coffee cup,Water cup,glass,bitter cups,
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34 41
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Comment Board (4)

眺望 2023-12-27


苦尽甘来 2023-12-27

There is an impulse to buy after reading it.

咫尺梦 2023-12-27

like this shape

188****4018 2023-12-27

Is it listed? How much is it?

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