Packaging Design of Xi 'an Maotai-flavor Liquor

2022-11-23 Packaging 2153 7 14


China · Packaging

Packaging Design of Xi 'an Maotai-flavor Liquor

2022-11-23 Packaging 2153 7 14


China · Packaging

Xi'an Maotai-flavor Liquor has 348 cellars, of which 16 cellars were built in the fifth year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty and have a history of more than 100 years. It has won the titles of "Xi'an Time-honored Brand" and "Chinese National Brand". The pure brand won the "Brussels" International Gold Award in the World Famous Wine Competition and the Gold Award in the Panama World Expo.
It is pure, colorless, clear and transparent, mellow and fragrant, clear but not light, thick but not bright. It integrates the advantages of faint fragrance and strong fragrance. It is "mellow and elegant, sweet and refreshing, coordinated with various flavors, clean and long tail" And the unique style of "no upper head, no throat, pleasant aftertaste" is famous.

Wine packaging,Render,Liquor packaging,C4D rendering,packing design,Brand design,Box design,Packaging technology,
Wine packaging,Render,Liquor packaging,C4D rendering,packing design,Brand design,Box design,Packaging technology,
Wine packaging,Render,Liquor packaging,C4D rendering,packing design,Brand design,Box design,Packaging technology,
Wine packaging,Render,Liquor packaging,C4D rendering,packing design,Brand design,Box design,Packaging technology,
Wine packaging,Render,Liquor packaging,C4D rendering,packing design,Brand design,Box design,Packaging technology,
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Comment Board (7)

AKA小清华318 2022-11-28

The shapes and colors are relatively rich, but the fonts used are thin and central, which is not very suitable.

无穷无尽 2022-11-24

Just do it

艾菲雷文 2022-11-24

Not particularly good-looking

抗体系 2022-11-24

Not bad

得之我幸 2022-11-24

journey 2022-11-24

The first time I heard of wine

夹桃乌冬 2022-11-24

The name of this wine reminds me of wonton

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