015 "Works" Fish Big Oxygen Controller

2019-07-30 Tools&Equipment 5736 18 14


China · Digital Intelligence

015 "Works" Fish Big Oxygen Controller

2019-07-30 Tools&Equipment 5736 18 14


China · Digital Intelligence

Customer requirements: 01. Easy to use, function is clear at a glance, interactive prompts are clear and unambiguous 02. Convenient for users to connect and install 03. High-end professional industrial style, conveying the characteristics of product professionalism 04. Meeting the aesthetic needs of people above middle-aged in rural areas 05. Lower structure and manufacturing cost

equipment,industrial design,product design,outdoors,fish pond,strong,waterproof,section,

Design output: The product adopts a symmetrical design, the overall shape is simple and stable, and has a strong sense of industrial equipment; the cut surface design makes it stronger; the middle color stripes visually distinguish the key area from the front cover of the device, so that the function is clear at a glance, Prevent misoperation, and play a better interactive experience effect; the design on the left and right sides integrates the screw hole and the buckle position to make it more concise and humanized; in order to conform to the outdoor use scene of the product, light color matching is adopted in color matching to reduce the damage of sunlight to the equipment.

equipment,industrial design,product design,outdoors,fish pond,strong,waterproof,section,
equipment,industrial design,product design,outdoors,fish pond,strong,waterproof,section,
equipment,industrial design,product design,outdoors,fish pond,strong,waterproof,section,
equipment,industrial design,product design,outdoors,fish pond,strong,waterproof,section,
equipment,industrial design,product design,outdoors,fish pond,strong,waterproof,section,
equipment,industrial design,product design,outdoors,fish pond,strong,waterproof,section,
equipment,industrial design,product design,outdoors,fish pond,strong,waterproof,section,
14 15
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Comment Board (18)

佳佳昌昌 2019-12-23

I think the screws on the front panel are hidden, and it may look better if you change the fixed position ~ ~

小蛇 2019-08-13

How many pictures does the great god read every day? Is there a good website recommendation?

The main thing is Pinterest,Behance these commonly used ones, run more physical stores such as Shundian, Gome, Suning, and some international brand physical examination stores...
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Product video introduction: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NzQ5MDg2MA==&mid=2650650127&idx=1&sn=133467f78a14684cbba69708c61da1e7&chksm=bed02fcc89a7a6da0ead7ef962caa4fdc7c3b364e49467c5e0f23b17cff460422cacba3315c2&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=&sharer_sharetime=1564986878250&sharer_shareid=e115b133052213e9968ffbe0dfa4eca4&key=6401b985c78d5340566786f7eb7d83c6100ce034eaa1a380d2d524762c732894c00508d4c06e2e8d004a4d205248c79c69dac80a653c77ceaf10cd9e844db071b456b3ff2aca73d61bcd423f0e93002e&ascene=1&uin=MTE5ODUxMTcyNA==&devicetype=Windows 10 & version = 62060739 & lang = zh_CN & pass_ticket = DkVZ0KpLqQiWObPHll/IK9Bp + V9Wi5K/hrQxeSZT + ULT2CKJTfwHU0RsT97lkpj6

喝点热水 2019-07-30

It looks much more comfortable than common equipment, concise and professional

Thank you for your recognition.
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榴莲真难吃 2019-07-30

Full of professionalism want to buy

Ha, ha, ha, what do you want to do with this
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比企谷八幡 2019-07-30

Green love, the color of true love

Men with Stories
比企谷八幡 2019-07-30
If true love has color, then it must be green!
This is a man who has been hurt by love, ha, ha, ha,
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星星酱包 2019-07-30

It's very nice! Refresh my appearance evaluation of the oxygenation controller! Your work really surprises me every time. Come on, designer!

(Alipay Arrives at 0: 00 5 yuan)

People who boast so much should give you a big red envelope, ha, ha, ha
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未来 2019-07-30

Aquarium products

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城市野鹿 2019-07-30

Support fish big

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