Sweeping Robot Project-SG60

2022-12-27 Home Appliance 3977 6 34


China · Digital Intelligence

Sweeping Robot Project-SG60

2022-12-27 Home Appliance 3977 6 34


China · Digital Intelligence

ID Innovation Description (Patent Description)
Purpose of 1. creation
Our journey is not only an underground sixpence, but also a distant sea of stars. In order to better reflect our dreams, we choose to use cosmic nebula elements as a unique image of our products and designs.
2. creation process
Initially considering the elements of planetary motion, the work began to focus on the trajectory of the voyage. After more than ten revisions, it was finally decided to use the nebula as a unique image of its own products.
Originality of 3. works (composition and representative meaning of graphics)
Creative thinking: Because the current design and creativity are more utilitarian, my idea is to leave behind the sixpence in our hands and let us start again to chase our star sea. We will set sail after all. The lines in circles are like the eight planets in the solar system. They are also the bright nebulae of the vast universe. They are also the dreams and pursuits of our childhood search for the wind. Through my own unique conception, this work uses realistic and idealistic expressions, combined with its own aesthetic design, which reflects the unique meaning of the design and is original.
The author hopes that through copyright registration, this logo design can be fully protected by copyright in various industries and other aspects.

Industrial Design: A Cao
Structural Design: Jingchuang Factory Team
Graphic Design: Airy Grass
3D Rendering: Airy Carl Arcao
Video production: FOX BRANT team
Packaging Design: A Cao
Project responsibility (main beauty): A Cao

robot,Sweeping robot,small home appliances,Clean household appliances,
34 11
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Comment Board (6)

过山车 2022-12-27


说实话吗 2022-12-27

The appearance is very good.

没有出口 2022-12-27

Save worry

Ace名洋 2022-12-27

It's really great.

冬致夏陌 2022-12-27

Big Brother

纸短情长 2022-12-27

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