Pulling rabbit-Fun solid wood diffuser

2023-10-18 Home Furniture 6669 5 68


China · Home Furniture

Pulling rabbit-Fun solid wood diffuser

2023-10-18 Home Furniture 6669 5 68


China · Home Furniture

"Pulling the Rabbit" is an interesting solid wood diffuser designed and developed by diligent design & unguessing design co-named Zodiac Rabbit Year. The rabbit gives the impression of being cute and alert and is one of the small animals that everyone likes. The old saying cloud three grottoes, reflects the rabbit's wit. The shape of "pulling the rabbit" is inspired by the fairy tale of the rabbit pulling the radish that we are all familiar with. when the rabbit comes out of the ground, we can pull the rabbit by pulling its ear> <. It is made of a variety of wood, and the structure of the rabbit and the hole is connected by magnetic attraction, which can be used for desktop, car expansion and decoration.
Design: diligent design
Product: Can't guess the design
Copyright: Diligent Design
Time: 2022.10
Status: Listed
Original design, please do not carry plagiarism, thank you!

Woodwork,wood,Incense diffuser,interest,Diligent design,Aromatherapy,Ornaments,

First draft (with only two eyes on the face)

Woodwork,wood,Incense diffuser,interest,Diligent design,Aromatherapy,Ornaments,

The second draft (increased the nose, more playful and cute, at this time the ears as a whole)

Woodwork,wood,Incense diffuser,interest,Diligent design,Aromatherapy,Ornaments,

Second Draft

Woodwork,wood,Incense diffuser,interest,Diligent design,Aromatherapy,Ornaments,

Second Draft

Woodwork,wood,Incense diffuser,interest,Diligent design,Aromatherapy,Ornaments,

Second Draft

Woodwork,wood,Incense diffuser,interest,Diligent design,Aromatherapy,Ornaments,

The final draft (the reason for the production process separates the ears, which is also quite cute)

Woodwork,wood,Incense diffuser,interest,Diligent design,Aromatherapy,Ornaments,

Three Cave Rabbit

Woodwork,wood,Incense diffuser,interest,Diligent design,Aromatherapy,Ornaments,

physical map

Woodwork,wood,Incense diffuser,interest,Diligent design,Aromatherapy,Ornaments,
Woodwork,wood,Incense diffuser,interest,Diligent design,Aromatherapy,Ornaments,
Woodwork,wood,Incense diffuser,interest,Diligent design,Aromatherapy,Ornaments,
Woodwork,wood,Incense diffuser,interest,Diligent design,Aromatherapy,Ornaments,
Woodwork,wood,Incense diffuser,interest,Diligent design,Aromatherapy,Ornaments,

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大朋友 2023-10-18


悟净GUO 2023-10-18

like it very much

勤勉的设计Owner 2023-10-18
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沉醉花海 2023-10-18

It's so interesting

李丰@法兰柯 2023-10-18


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