Double-Heat foot heater

2021-03-14 Home Appliance 3808 11 40


China · Home Furniture

Double-Heat foot heater

2021-03-14 Home Appliance 3808 11 40


China · Home Furniture

Most girls always have cold feet in winter. When heating, most people use small sun and heater to keep warm. However, in the process of use, it will be found that products generally suitable for individual use can only be used locally for heating, that is to say

Either the front side of the calf is warm, and the cold wind on the back side of the calf is swishing.
Either the heater is swishing and the feet are cold.

Home Furnishing,Household appliances,Heating,warm wind,winter,

Air heater oven??
Double Heat!

Home Furnishing,Household appliances,Heating,warm wind,winter,
Home Furnishing,Household appliances,Heating,warm wind,winter,
Home Furnishing,Household appliances,Heating,warm wind,winter,
Home Furnishing,Household appliances,Heating,warm wind,winter,
Home Furnishing,Household appliances,Heating,warm wind,winter,
Home Furnishing,Household appliances,Heating,warm wind,winter,
Home Furnishing,Household appliances,Heating,warm wind,winter,
40 44
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Comment Board (11)

ECHO 2021-03-17

"The front side of the calf is warm, and the cold wind on the back side of the calf is swishing." It seems that there is no such problem, as a Central Plains person without heating. The temperature is high enough, once the blood circulation is heated, the (legs) are all hot, but the sole plate does need to be roasted separately, and the sole plate is a problem.

KatherineOwner 2021-03-17
It's really too difficult for Hunan girls to warm up in winter it's very humid
ECHO 2021-03-18
I am from Hubei, also tide
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Is it listed? Is there a link? Want to buy it!

KatherineOwner 2021-03-16
No what about the concept stage
机器狗梦见电子羊 2021-03-17
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stvo 2021-03-15

You have to buy one for this.


That's so sweet

Aria 2021-03-15

It's actually warm feet

蓝色的夏 2021-03-15

There is a good design to solve the problem.

KatherineOwner 2021-03-16
Thank you
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