(I) on Modification Scheme of Water Purifier

2020-10-16 Home Appliance 2872 4 7


China · Home Appliance

(I) on Modification Scheme of Water Purifier

2020-10-16 Home Appliance 2872 4 7


China · Home Appliance

The original product is a Korean brand Magic water purifier.
Part of the design elements of the original product were retained, and the scheme was modified according to some of my own ideas.
It is an integrated design as the main body, the overall color is mainly black, and the material is mainly frosted. The indicator light at the water outlet can be used to pick up the waste water box and the top mirror touch screen.
The modification part has overall large-scale optimization, water outlet modification and waste water collection box position modification.
Non-commercial design scheme for the purpose of communication and learning.

Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
Simplicity,fashion,black,Water purifier,
7 16
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Comment Board (4)

大爱黑雪妹妹 2020-10-27

The product is great, but it is too long....

KHZWW 2020-10-16

Big Brother hasn't changed for a long time

怪带劲 2020-10-16

What does the exclamation of the outlet mean?

189****1640 2020-10-16
Water drop
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