Gravitation-Glass Cleaner

2023-01-31 Tools&Equipment 3277 4 34


China · Home Appliance

Gravitation-Glass Cleaner

2023-01-31 Tools&Equipment 3277 4 34


China · Home Appliance

Team: Gravity Design Studio
Product Design: Sean Xu
Rendering: Sean Xu

Project Description: Triangle Glass Cleaner provides solutions for inconvenient scrubbing outside high-rise windows and sanitary dead corners. In the early stage of brand research, we brainstormed from the appearance and in accordance with the requirements given by Party A. That is, the concept of "angle" is used to fight against sanitary dead corners. In terms of application performance, although it is triangular in appearance, it is very firm and can be adsorbed on the glass, not only at parallel angles, but also at will. When cleaning on the glass, don't worry about sliding down, and bother to get out of the corners.

Glass cleaning,Cleaning product design,Home cleaning products,Artifact,
Glass cleaning,Cleaning product design,Home cleaning products,Artifact,
Glass cleaning,Cleaning product design,Home cleaning products,Artifact,
Glass cleaning,Cleaning product design,Home cleaning products,Artifact,
Glass cleaning,Cleaning product design,Home cleaning products,Artifact,
Glass cleaning,Cleaning product design,Home cleaning products,Artifact,
Glass cleaning,Cleaning product design,Home cleaning products,Artifact,
Glass cleaning,Cleaning product design,Home cleaning products,Artifact,
Glass cleaning,Cleaning product design,Home cleaning products,Artifact,
Glass cleaning,Cleaning product design,Home cleaning products,Artifact,
Glass cleaning,Cleaning product design,Home cleaning products,Artifact,
34 36
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Comment Board (4)

As an appearance designer, do you need to suggest how the product is adsorbed on the glass?

引力实验室Owner 2023-02-01
The full set of exterior structure schemes have been completed. This exterior is one of the schemes that the customer did not choose
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林下叶层 2023-02-01


引力实验室Owner 2023-02-01
Thank you
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