Liyuan-Luzhou-flavor liquor packaging design

2021-12-10 Packaging 4421 7 20

Pure Design璞尔

China · Home Appliance

Liyuan-Luzhou-flavor liquor packaging design

2021-12-10 Packaging 4421 7 20

Pure Design璞尔

China · Home Appliance

Liyuan, liquor packaging, liquor packaging, combined with Wuxi Taihu Liyuan culture, the bottom of the bottle body is integrated with arch bridge elements. It is located on the west side of Chunqiu Pavilion. There is an embankment in the pool and an arch bridge on it. "The name reflects the moon", which has a special artistic conception. The black and white bottle bodies are harmonious with yin and yang and complement each other. They also reflect a good story of Fan Li and Xi Shi. The bottle body is supplemented by gilding patterns, which are stable and elegant.

Liquor packaging,Bottle design,Lihu culture,
Liquor packaging,Bottle design,Lihu culture,
Liquor packaging,Bottle design,Lihu culture,
Liquor packaging,Bottle design,Lihu culture,
Liquor packaging,Bottle design,Lihu culture,
20 12
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Comment Board (7)

Qqpoiasd 2021-12-13

Good job!

小蝴蝶 2021-12-13


太阳花 2021-12-13

Has this been put on the market?

Pure Design璞尔Owner 2021-12-13
The same brand of sauce flavor has been put on the market. this strong flavor lags behind the strategic adjustment of party a
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脚踏车 2021-12-13

Gifts depend on packaging.

thuglife 2021-12-13

Liquor packaging is still quite important.

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