Retro Bed

2024-04-29 Home Furniture 1730 6 16


China · Home Furniture

Retro Bed

2024-04-29 Home Furniture 1730 6 16


China · Home Furniture

A retro bed that I like, for various reasons, failed to be put on the shelves in the end, so I will show it on this website for predestined friends to appreciate.
Brand: Xingmu Nuo/Forest
Design: Lamb

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What I love most is this rich retro green. The soft bag is quilted.

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It is very interesting that part of the inspiration for this bed comes from a meticulous lotus picture in the Northern Song Dynasty. The background color of the picture is yellowed, much like the color of cherry wood after time baptism and gradual deepening. The two kinds of green extracted from the picture are light green matched with cherry wood color, which is beautiful. dark green collocation in antique, calm. The idea of quilting is also from the meticulous technique, one by one, one by one is very interesting.

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Unfortunately, because it is not on the shelves, there is only one complete photo, and the others are all taken to the bed. However, it also goes well with my evening sink bedside table.

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The original rendering renderings

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There is another cherry wood style, retro taste less, but more fresh. I specially chose grass green with a little warm and cherry wood to match more harmoniously, super spring.

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The elements extracted from traditional Chinese meticulous painting really match the new Chinese style.

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Comment Board (6)

萨摩琵琶 2024-05-06

Too much feeling

抗体系 2024-05-06

Special Advanced

青城山下苏苏 2024-05-06

this is beautiful

桃桃桃桃子 2024-04-29


I like this retro style.

家具设计师小羊Owner 2024-04-29
I like it too, but if he doesn't go to the warehouse, he will have two samples, one in log color and one in medium and antique color.
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