Picasso (PICASSO) Digestive Endoscopic Surgery Assistant System

2020-06-28 Medical Instruments 5447 3 15


China · Digital Intelligence

Picasso (PICASSO) Digestive Endoscopic Surgery Assistant System

2020-06-28 Medical Instruments 5447 3 15


China · Digital Intelligence

Picassos assist system is a minimally invasive surgical robot assisted by digestive tract. Cooperate with gastroscope and electric knife to accurately remove gastric cancer, stones and other tumors, enter the stomach through the digestive tract, and then remove the body to achieve the purpose of accuracy, speed and less bleeding. The traditional resection of gastric cancer tumor mass requires the cooperation of multiple attending doctors. The surgical robot can be operated by a doctor with nursing staff. The operation is accurate, safe, fast and has little risk of reinfection.

Medical design,Sense of science and technology,Professional sense,absorbed,Intellectualization,
Medical design,Sense of science and technology,Professional sense,absorbed,Intellectualization,
Medical design,Sense of science and technology,Professional sense,absorbed,Intellectualization,
Medical design,Sense of science and technology,Professional sense,absorbed,Intellectualization,
Medical design,Sense of science and technology,Professional sense,absorbed,Intellectualization,
Medical design,Sense of science and technology,Professional sense,absorbed,Intellectualization,
Medical design,Sense of science and technology,Professional sense,absorbed,Intellectualization,
Medical design,Sense of science and technology,Professional sense,absorbed,Intellectualization,
Medical design,Sense of science and technology,Professional sense,absorbed,Intellectualization,
Medical design,Sense of science and technology,Professional sense,absorbed,Intellectualization,
Medical design,Sense of science and technology,Professional sense,absorbed,Intellectualization,
15 33
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Comment Board (3)

鸭鸭鸭 2020-06-29

Did you finally land?

蔷薇花蕾 2020-06-29

Experiment first in pork belly


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