Cordless jump rope design

2024-07-11 Outdoor Sport 3970 10 35


China · Home Furniture

Cordless jump rope design

2024-07-11 Outdoor Sport 3970 10 35


China · Home Furniture

Appearance of the ring runway:

Visual appeal: The circular runway has a modern and futuristic feel, which can add beauty and uniqueness in public places or professional sports venues.
Space utilization: The circular track can make more efficient use of space, especially in limited spaces, such as urban parks or gyms.
Features of cordless rope skipping:

Flexibility and safety: The use of a lightweight ball or ring-shaped object reduces the risk of tripping the rope, making the jump more flexible and safe.
Systemic training: rope skipping involves the coordination and control of the whole body muscles, and the curve design of the circular runway can improve the comprehensive effect of rope skipping training.
Design concept and implementation:

Curves and challenges: The curved shape of the circular runway poses challenges for rope skippers, and needs to adapt to different turning radii and angles.
Diverse sports experience: The design can include multiple tracks or rings of different radii to increase the choice and challenge of the athlete.
User experience and security considerations:

Smooth surface and safety design: Ensure that the surface of the ring runway is smooth, without sharp edges or protrusions to avoid accidental falls or injuries.
Material selection: Choose wear-resistant, easy-to-clean materials to ensure long-term use of the runway and low maintenance costs.

Sports products,Cordless rope skipping,Health products,
Sports products,Cordless rope skipping,Health products,
Sports products,Cordless rope skipping,Health products,
Sports products,Cordless rope skipping,Health products,
Sports products,Cordless rope skipping,Health products,
Sports products,Cordless rope skipping,Health products,
Sports products,Cordless rope skipping,Health products,
Sports products,Cordless rope skipping,Health products,
Sports products,Cordless rope skipping,Health products,
Sports products,Cordless rope skipping,Health products,
Sports products,Cordless rope skipping,Health products,
Sports products,Cordless rope skipping,Health products,
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Comment Board (10)

秃头先森 2024-07-12


JOOO DESIGNOwner 2024-07-13
Thank you
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咕咕咕噜噜噜 2024-07-12

So is it easy to use with a rope or without a rope?

JOOO DESIGNOwner 2024-07-13
I feel good
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桃之夭夭 2024-07-12

Weight Loss Arrangement

JOOO DESIGNOwner 2024-07-13
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冻不死的青衣 2024-07-11

good workmanship

JOOO DESIGNOwner 2024-07-13
Thank you
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无穷无尽 2024-07-11

not bad, huh

JOOO DESIGNOwner 2024-07-13
Thank you
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