
2021-02-27 Home Furniture 2412 8 12


China · Home Furniture


2021-02-27 Home Furniture 2412 8 12


China · Home Furniture

It is an innovative multifunctional chair or a single person sofa. It is made of a variety of materials, such as wood, plastic and cloth. There is a large armrest on one side, which can have multiple functions, the overall color can be customized, and the cushion is detachable for easy cleaning and replacement. This enriches the color of this chair and can be matched at will. The color of the cushion can be changed at any time and changes endlessly. Give the single chair more functionality and practicality, and can place items while being beautiful. On the chair surface, I choose the plastic material with the color of the transparent tape, through which I can see the part structure of the whole chair.

chair,originality,multi-function,Various materials,
chair,originality,multi-function,Various materials,
chair,originality,multi-function,Various materials,
chair,originality,multi-function,Various materials,
chair,originality,multi-function,Various materials,
chair,originality,multi-function,Various materials,
chair,originality,multi-function,Various materials,
12 54

Comment Board (8)

Z启明 2021-03-02

Is there any danger that this structure will collapse?

九千七Owner 2021-05-10
No, plastic is very strong. It is the same as the current plastic chair and even stronger than the current chair. Legs are also not available. In reality, the bearing capacity can be taken into account. If there is no cushion, there may be a feeling of walking on a glass bridge, and it feels a little dangerous psychologically
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ZX 2021-03-01

It's a good idea, but the actual connection effect between the seat panel and the supporting feet may be different. In addition, this transparent chair connection can be made more delicate and the effect is better.

九千七Owner 2021-03-10
Thank you
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浮生 2021-03-01

Look at the video. There is a little more hair on the mat.

九千七Owner 2021-03-10
the video resolution is too low and unclear
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浮生 2021-03-01

It's great

九千七Owner 2021-05-10
Thank you
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