Tape Measure Design [Aircraft Draft Scheme Exercise]]

2021-12-21 Tools&Equipment 4181 7 36


China · Tools&Equipment

Tape Measure Design [Aircraft Draft Scheme Exercise]]

2021-12-21 Tools&Equipment 4181 7 36


China · Tools&Equipment

The design of this tape measure is based on simplicity/purity. The overall center of the product is the starting point, and the ring type is divided to make the product smaller/round visually. In the appearance design, the use experience is fully considered, and the large arc surface, R angle, ring and other elements are used to shape, and the round shape is used to create the visual "lightness" of product users. In terms of the common association of modeling, concentric/symmetrical, create exclusive product features to facilitate product iteration and sustainable development.

Measuring tools,Pure simplicity,User experience,
Measuring tools,Pure simplicity,User experience,
Measuring tools,Pure simplicity,User experience,
Measuring tools,Pure simplicity,User experience,
Measuring tools,Pure simplicity,User experience,
Measuring tools,Pure simplicity,User experience,
Measuring tools,Pure simplicity,User experience,
36 37
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Comment Board (7)

Vincerò 2021-12-30

Like shou lei in "Half-Life: Alex" (VR version)

小芝麻 2021-12-21

I feel that there are few opportunities to use tape measures now.

一砚一书Owner 2021-12-22
Perhaps this belongs to the category of professional tools, which are used frequently by construction units/construction masters and seldom in general life.
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鸡翅好好吃 2021-12-21

The tape measure is very good

枕边梦 2021-12-21

The design committee has texture

心野男子 2021-12-21

天使男孩 2021-12-21

It's cool!

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