Looking at my photos, I was wearing Li Ning's tomato scrambled eggs and using subd of rhinoceros. After the manuscript was published, I used ai to see the effect once. Later, I used stable d and ps to generate quite a lot of effect maps, many of which could not be used. After ai added too many restrictions, the drawing effect was not good and I also used ps to make crazy changes. After the change, the map was re-padded and ai was fed, and the map was produced twice. Finally, I thought of a side view by myself and started modeling with subd. It is really necessary to use ai for the later design, but it is still up to the designer to control the details and features of the design.
The copyright of this work belongs to 蛙蛙挖洼洼. No use is allowed without explicit permission from owner.
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I love this little guy.
Handsome guy
so cute