Household dual-mode disinfection spray gun in the era of epidemic.
The mode can be selected through the side buttons.
1. Vertical automatic induction disinfection
2. Hand-held disinfection
Products that combine two different needs in home usage scenarios
The appearance echoes the brand LOGO "D"
The head map was inspired by medieval plague doctors and infernal affairs Orz.
May the epidemic end soon
Household dual-mode disinfection spray gun in the era of epidemic
The mode can be selected through the side bu-tton
1. Vertical automatic induction disinfection
2. Hand held disinfection
A product that combines two different needs in a home use scenario
The appearance and modeling echo the brand logo "d"
The head picture is inspired by medieval plague doctors and Infernal Affairs orz
May the epidemic end at an early date
The copyright of this work belongs to 李考拉. No use is allowed without explicit permission from owner.
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The cover is too gray
In the future, the family must have spare, ha ha
It is said that European medieval doctors only bleed