Cosmic top: trading a universe for a heart

2017-12-22 Home Furniture 3334 14 19


China · Home Furniture

Cosmic top: trading a universe for a heart

2017-12-22 Home Furniture 3334 14 19


China · Home Furniture
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,

The universe means eternity. Each celestial body in the universe rotates around their respective celestial bodies. And our lives revolve around our respective centers. Eternity in the universe comes from the continuous rotation and revolution of celestial bodies. The earth rotates every day, the sun rotates every day, and the Milky Way is also rotating continuously, because only rotation is eternal, and only rotation can let us experience the alternation of the four seasons in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Our design is inspired by the rotation of stars in the universe. It is made of red copper, brass, pure copper and precious wood-the cosmic top, which is used to express the eternal expression of love.

One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
One universe for one heart,The universe means eternity,
19 9
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Comment Board (14)

一一 2019-06-01


XM 2018-02-06

I have set up a satellite group for industry communication. I can communicate with my peers at the required speed. Don't add advertising. Thank you. My satellite (postiveN), pull you into the group.

老蛇 2017-12-24

The material selection is good, and the workmanship is also good. Do you have contact information, can you customize it? 18561785565

榏镁家具AMYOwner 2017-12-26
Can be customized, you can go to our Taobao store to buy customization
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违规账号 2017-12-22

Great work :D

榏镁家具AMYOwner 2017-12-22
Many thanks :D
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sunday 2017-12-22

Looking at the material, I like it very much.

榏镁家具AMYOwner 2017-12-22
The materials are all pure copper and precious wood. At first, our designers felt that the materials after making furniture were wasted and made a small sample by hand. Later, they found that mahogany was used for a longer time. Moreover, the combination of pure copper and mahogany was a very long-term combination, suitable for both ornaments and gifts.
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Alice 2017-12-22

The design is very good, the feeling is a little sloppy. Don't become Christmas selling (⊚ o ⊙)...

榏镁家具AMYOwner 2017-12-22
At the beginning of our design, we mainly accepted lettering service for Valentine's Day gifts. Later, customers bought and bought them every festival. We took photos according to the activities.
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JX8J8 2017-12-22

The title makes such personality and art

榏镁家具AMYOwner 2017-12-22
On behalf of great love
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小小未来 2017-12-22

Can there be details and more depictions of the story?

榏镁家具AMYOwner 2017-12-22
Yes, I'll sort out the story copy
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