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What do you want to ask about the next two sliding bars?
At first glance, the way of playing chess is exactly the same as what I used to play in the park, but the only difference between you is that you have made it a small one. it is still possible
The design of the outdoor path card table should have existed for a long time, but there is no beautification and no counterweight.
Rod design
How do you return to zero after adding a locking mechanism?
I would like to ask if this increased counterweight will turn it around when turning black and white.
Brother Rong, the younger brother is late
Big Brother, it turned out that this design was yours, and it was bright at the moment...
Young boy, good idea ~
The idea is very good, especially the design of increasing the counterweight and shaking to zero, but the go board is 19, which is 18 for gobang
When changing the next set, do you want to turn it back one by one?
I feel like a little baby