one piece | Home cotton swab box

2023-07-28 Beauty Care 4078 5 34

one piece

China · Beauty Care

one piece | Home cotton swab box

2023-07-28 Beauty Care 4078 5 34

one piece

China · Beauty Care

Customer service:/
Time to market: 2023
Service content: user research; Product positioning; Selling point mining; Appearance design;

This is a toothpick box used at home and targeted at women. It exists as the self-owned packaging of toothpick manufacturers when toothpicks are shipped. It needs to highlight the selling points of appearance on the basis of controlling the production cost and distinguish it from the same type of products on the market. Under the increasingly changeable and beautiful appearance of the toothpick category, this scheme starts with the form of sound, combines it with the toothpick box to form a unique visual appearance, and endows it with a unique way of signing out to enhance the use experience and fun.

Gehu,Beauty makeup,Cotton swab box,Toothpick box,Plastic,Daily necessities,lovely,originality,
Gehu,Beauty makeup,Cotton swab box,Toothpick box,Plastic,Daily necessities,lovely,originality,
Gehu,Beauty makeup,Cotton swab box,Toothpick box,Plastic,Daily necessities,lovely,originality,
Gehu,Beauty makeup,Cotton swab box,Toothpick box,Plastic,Daily necessities,lovely,originality,
Gehu,Beauty makeup,Cotton swab box,Toothpick box,Plastic,Daily necessities,lovely,originality,
Gehu,Beauty makeup,Cotton swab box,Toothpick box,Plastic,Daily necessities,lovely,originality,
34 23
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Comment Board (5)

累了该休息了 2023-08-01

现实里的童话 2023-08-01

What a big box of toothpicks

猫七姑娘 2023-08-01

Small fresh ah

Zark 2023-07-29

Why is it so beautiful

one pieceOwner 2023-07-29
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