2024.6.12 Time Traveler Time traveler

2024-06-26 Automotive Design 1873 6 18

2024.6.12 Time Traveler Time traveler

2024-06-26 Automotive Design 1873 6 18

The time traveler is an illegal time travel vehicle assembled by a teenager who yearned for living in 2024 with stolen time engine parts and an old wedge car under the background that human beings had developed a time engine in 2224.
Mankind has entered the era of the universe, the earth's resources are completely exhausted, and most humans have immigrated to the universe. As an orphan, the teenager was left on the earth full of war and pain. The teenager hiding in the abandoned intercontinental magnetic levitation orbit was full of yearning for 2024, which was rich in resources from old paper books. Therefore, he stole the parts of the old time engine regardless of the danger of his life and created a "time traveler".
Because time travel requires a lot of energy, time travelers need to accelerate along the intercontinental magnetic levitation track that has not been powered off for charging. In order to pass through the danger area, the body was made of old-fashioned armor, and the cockpit part was strengthened with illegal military armor to resist the fire of hot weapons from militants along the route.

Inspired by the Delorine 12, the maglev train and the turbofan engine, the time traveler ran with the 2024 GAC Design Competition.😭

Automobile design,industrial design,sample reels,conceptual design,Design Competition,

The middle part of the front enclosure of the car has a trapezoidal hollow through the car body, which is used to accommodate the convex part of the intercontinental maglev train track, and the middle part of the car body also has a track buckle for fixing the car body.

Automobile design,industrial design,sample reels,conceptual design,Design Competition,

The whole vehicle is covered with armor, and variable armor is added around the front key protection parts such as the cockpit and engine compartment, and the triangle area of the front of the vehicle is pasted with explosion inversion.

Automobile design,industrial design,sample reels,conceptual design,Design Competition,

The rear time engine is exposed due to the need to dissipate heat and evacuate the time flow, and there are a large number of diversion and heat dissipation components around the engine.

Automobile design,industrial design,sample reels,conceptual design,Design Competition,

Since it is a patchwork of illegally modified vehicles, exposed transmission cables can be seen on the side of the vehicle

Automobile design,industrial design,sample reels,conceptual design,Design Competition,

The brain-computer interface and spine protection unit can be seen on the seats in the cockpit. Time and space travel will affect the hippocampus of the brain, which may disturb or lose the memory. Therefore, before time and space travel, the driver will backup the memory and upload the space-time coordinates through the brain-computer interface.

Automobile design,industrial design,sample reels,conceptual design,Design Competition,

Armed state, the armor around the cockpit will return to an invisible state

Automobile design,industrial design,sample reels,conceptual design,Design Competition,
Automobile design,industrial design,sample reels,conceptual design,Design Competition,

On the rear side, you can see a raised wind guide opening on the shoulder of the front wheel. This is because the brakes require a huge amount of air to cool when accelerating on the intercontinental magnetic levitation track. An electronic rearview mirror is arranged around the opening.

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Find me to print for free once for a 159999774 long walk.

错过 2024-06-27


北顷风 2024-06-27

That's cool.

想未来 2024-06-27

this is good

小白杨 2024-06-26

very good

像风没有归宿 2024-06-26

This look is really cool

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