Trivia 01- O clock

2020-08-24 Home Furniture 2872 7 20


Home Appliance

Trivia 01- O clock

2020-08-24 Home Furniture 2872 7 20


Home Appliance

Regarding the design of decorations, I think that through the stacking of lines and geometric bodies, there is not so much explanation that only needs to do some "magic" of lines in appearance and make some clever changes in some subtle places to achieve the so-called "less is more". Turn the hour hand of the clock into a missing circle, cut the original smooth lines, and match the dial cut according to the whole point to make the whole clock more decorative and practical.

clocks and watches,Minimalist,Clock,
clocks and watches,Minimalist,Clock,

The traditional shape is combined with a divided clock plate and a sunken hour hand.

clocks and watches,Minimalist,Clock,
clocks and watches,Minimalist,Clock,
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Comment Board (7)

橘發 2020-09-02

The second color match looks good, porridge

汉卿 2020-08-25

In the whole industry, I admire you, because you are different from others. The things you design are just right, moist and smooth. As the saying goes, this is the highest level in the industry. You are the real god. I hope to see you completely new on the stage of the international design finals, okay? So, I will give you yes!

制师Owner 2020-08-25
this sister, are you? I don't know. I think the water army
百年孤独 2020-08-28
But this is really nice. Come on
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诗酒趁年华 2020-08-25

This design is great.

heart 2020-08-25

As a decorative clock, this appearance is necessary.

可爱多 2020-08-25

It's hard to recognize the time ~

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