Midea | Vertical Air Circulation Electric Fan

2022-04-29 Home Appliance 6171 10 32


China · Home Appliance

Midea | Vertical Air Circulation Electric Fan

2022-04-29 Home Appliance 6171 10 32


China · Home Appliance

Time to Market | 2022
Multifunctional vertical air circulation electric fan, vertical, desktop dual-purpose.
Stand wide air supply, enjoy cool and comfortable.
Quickly agitate the airflow to balance the temperature in the house and make the air-conditioning more evenly distributed.
Product Strategy | Product Design | Innovative Structure Research and Development | Product Landing Follow-up
Scene Rendering | Graphic Design | Product Modeling
@ Love Design-Wang Xujin

Vertical fan,Lie fan,electric fan,Household appliances,Beautiful,
Vertical fan,Lie fan,electric fan,Household appliances,Beautiful,
Vertical fan,Lie fan,electric fan,Household appliances,Beautiful,
Vertical fan,Lie fan,electric fan,Household appliances,Beautiful,
Vertical fan,Lie fan,electric fan,Household appliances,Beautiful,
Vertical fan,Lie fan,electric fan,Household appliances,Beautiful,
Vertical fan,Lie fan,electric fan,Household appliances,Beautiful,
Vertical fan,Lie fan,electric fan,Household appliances,Beautiful,
Vertical fan,Lie fan,electric fan,Household appliances,Beautiful,
Vertical fan,Lie fan,electric fan,Household appliances,Beautiful,
32 58
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Comment Board (10)

HU DESIGN 2022-05-05

This should rely on CMF to improve the color value. If the proofing white model looks good, I have no experience. Recently, a project I am working on is also very simple in shape, but CMF is different. The customer said that the shape is too similar to the existing one.

米象设计-王续锦Owner 2022-05-07
CMF has a certain effect, but the overall shape is the key.
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南音 2022-05-05

Like this look

米象设计-王续锦Owner 2022-05-07
Thank you
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sunnydan 2022-05-05

The golden appearance is very versatile.

米象设计-王续锦Owner 2022-05-07
More popular in recent years
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睥睨天下 2022-05-05

Midea's Big Brand

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风乎舞雩 2022-04-29

米象设计-王续锦Owner 2022-04-29
Thank you
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