Series Design of 7-16KW AC/DC Charging Pile, Bifoxs Part30

2022-11-22 Tools&Equipment 3862 8 26


China · Other Industries

Series Design of 7-16KW AC/DC Charging Pile, Bifoxs Part30

2022-11-22 Tools&Equipment 3862 8 26


China · Other Industries

@ Bifoxs White Fox Design-Do Professional Case Research and Development Product Design
@ Bifoxs White Fox Design-One-stop Design Innovation Service for the Whole Industry Chain with Industrial Design as the Core

The large-scale product is based on the chamfered straight tube shape, and the customer brand element letter "U" is refined as the product PI element, which is integrated into the product to facilitate brand identification and subsequent product serialization design. The design fully considers the forming process, surface treatment, assembly, maintenance, transportation, heat dissipation, protection level, cost and other factors of sheet metal products. The internal structure is simplified under the premise of ensuring product function and strength during structural design. The air duct design makes the product better heat dissipation performance, and the safety design of strong and weak current. Make the product more advantageous in the market competition.

industrial design,product design,new energy,Charging pile,AC/DC charging pile,charge,automobile,
industrial design,product design,new energy,Charging pile,AC/DC charging pile,charge,automobile,

In the CMF design, the whole machine body adopts sheet metal painting and acrylic panel of the screen to form a certain bright and dumb surface contrast, so that its appearance avoids a certain monotony.

industrial design,product design,new energy,Charging pile,AC/DC charging pile,charge,automobile,
industrial design,product design,new energy,Charging pile,AC/DC charging pile,charge,automobile,
industrial design,product design,new energy,Charging pile,AC/DC charging pile,charge,automobile,
industrial design,product design,new energy,Charging pile,AC/DC charging pile,charge,automobile,

The design of a single series of DC charging piles is more convenient for users to improve brand recognition than the use of a single product under the series of AC and DC charging piles.

industrial design,product design,new energy,Charging pile,AC/DC charging pile,charge,automobile,
industrial design,product design,new energy,Charging pile,AC/DC charging pile,charge,automobile,
industrial design,product design,new energy,Charging pile,AC/DC charging pile,charge,automobile,

Service content: strategy research | product design | structural design, prototype production | manufacturing
Visual presentation: Xie Haifan | Xie Dongsheng | Li Haizhan | Zhao Jinhu | Xia Qi

Business V : 18028791372 White Fox Design Bifoxs, 13923404531 HiFun Bifoxs
WeChat: BifoxsDesign-Hi
Official website:
Address: No.5 Jianxing Road, Luozu Community, Shiyan Street, Bao 'an District, Shenzhen

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Comment Board (8)

蝈蝈 2022-11-22

Good design

樱桃小丸子 2022-11-22

Very intelligent

不忘初鑫 2022-11-22

This is very good

Thank you
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单眼皮我 2022-11-22


努力努力 2022-11-22

萌小孩 2022-11-22

Now there are more and more charging pile designs.

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