Water ambulance boat

2023-02-01 Automotive Design 4091 2 29

Stress Boi

China · Medical Instruments

Water ambulance boat

2023-02-01 Automotive Design 4091 2 29

Stress Boi

China · Medical Instruments

In recent years, large and small flood disasters have been plagued people's daily production and life, especially in the months when rainfall is concentrated, flood control and flood fighting have become a must-test question for southern cities, and serious floods can even threaten people's lives. After research, the current flood rescue is the main flood rescue. Although there are many equipment involved in flood control rescue, there are still deficiencies.
In order to solve some problems, a water rescue boat is designed, which is mainly aimed at the search and rescue of personnel, medical rescue and water medical transportation.

Water rescue,
Water rescue,
Water rescue,
Water rescue,
Water rescue,
Water rescue,
Water rescue,
29 87

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Not bad😊

Stress BoiOwner 2023-02-01
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