Stool-a biscuit

2021-07-22 Home Furniture 4235 8 41


China · Home Furniture

Stool-a biscuit

2021-07-22 Home Furniture 4235 8 41


China · Home Furniture

Another stool
Biscuit stool
Can also be round lazy
Conceptual appearance
No consideration for actual use
Just look good
If you want to land later
It will be refined according to the shape.
I do good-looking design

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Home design,Home design,product design,Appearance design,Creative design,Outdoor supplies,Commodity Design,articles for daily use,
Home design,Home design,product design,Appearance design,Creative design,Outdoor supplies,Commodity Design,articles for daily use,
Home design,Home design,product design,Appearance design,Creative design,Outdoor supplies,Commodity Design,articles for daily use,
Home design,Home design,product design,Appearance design,Creative design,Outdoor supplies,Commodity Design,articles for daily use,
Home design,Home design,product design,Appearance design,Creative design,Outdoor supplies,Commodity Design,articles for daily use,
Home design,Home design,product design,Appearance design,Creative design,Outdoor supplies,Commodity Design,articles for daily use,
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Comment Board (8)

我不大懂 2021-07-22

Garton brittle

设计师大王啊Owner 2021-07-22
One bite at a time
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木心 2021-07-22

Chairs and stools are the eternal design theme

设计师大王啊Owner 2021-07-22
Yes, there are lights
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This, can have, take examples is also better to take, fingers directly buckle

设计师大王啊Owner 2021-07-22
You can have another round biscuit.
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This color value can really be appreciated as a biscuit.

设计师大王啊Owner 2021-07-22
(^з ^^)-☆
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