Design of a human-bird symbiotic sightseeing boat for wetland parks

2021-08-06 Automotive Design 916 0 4


China · Automotive Design

Design of a human-bird symbiotic sightseeing boat for wetland parks

2021-08-06 Automotive Design 916 0 4


China · Automotive Design

The design starts from how the means of transportation should intervene in the dimension of man and nature, and uses sightseeing boats as the medium to construct a small ecology of symbiosis between man and bird. The upper part of the sightseeing boat is 8 artificial bird's nest, and the lower part is a human sightseeing space. The two spaces are connected by a green planting column. People can appreciate green plants, and birds can also share this small ecology of green plants. People and birds do not interfere with each other, but there is some kind of connection in the dark, which is symbiosis.

Man and Nature,Wetland Park,symbiosis,vehicle,Fast question design,
Man and Nature,Wetland Park,symbiosis,vehicle,Fast question design,
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