Alternative design weighing scale foot dryer

2021-02-02 Home Appliance 3493 14 5


China · Medical Instruments

Alternative design weighing scale foot dryer

2021-02-02 Home Appliance 3493 14 5


China · Medical Instruments

An idea that can be realized. I think it can be realized.

Weighing scale,Foot dryer,Alternative,Simplicity,
Weighing scale,Foot dryer,Alternative,Simplicity,
Weighing scale,Foot dryer,Alternative,Simplicity,
Weighing scale,Foot dryer,Alternative,Simplicity,
Weighing scale,Foot dryer,Alternative,Simplicity,
Weighing scale,Foot dryer,Alternative,Simplicity,
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Comment Board (14)

陈留香 2021-03-10

First of all, from the perspective of weight scale, the smallest E-type sensor size of the weight sensor is 22 × 22mm, and the size left by your sensor is too small, at least in the range of more than 40X40mm to ensure the implementability of the structure. All-plastic surface weighing scales will make stiffeners or add steel plates inside. If it is used as a foot dryer, what kind of heating does it use? After heating, it will affect the steel plate or reinforcement. Most all-plastic surface weighing scales are supported inside with steel plates. How does the heat energy of the foot dryer pass through the steel plates?

大爱黑雪妹妹Owner 2021-03-11
My sensor is from the details page of Xiaomi weighing scale. Its sensor is quite small. (As for the size of the space, I also wrote, the space may not be enough) As for heating, PTC heating plate is used, and the air duct is used to ensure the circulation of hot air. The four air outlets are air outlets. As for worrying about the strength of the air duct (I have measured the sterilization tool holder, the temperature of the heating center of that type can be more than 100 degrees, and the air outlet is about 75 degrees, which has little. Under the guarantee of the strength of the air duct, there is no problem with the weight support.
大爱黑雪妹妹Owner 2021-03-11
The size of the space, uh, doesn't seem to be written.
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伪书生 2021-02-05

Designs that are out of production are bullshit.

大爱黑雪妹妹Owner 2021-02-06
The function is not complicated, you can find a structural engineer for 2-3 years to make the structure.??? Do you not understand?
伪书生 2021-03-01
Eight years of first-line experience in large factories say whether you are divorced from reality or encouraging
大爱黑雪妹妹Owner 2021-03-01
Why can't it be realized? I simulated it according to the structure of the dry clothes box and millet weighing scale. Apart from the lack of thickness, things can be realized. Tell me about my detachment from reality?
大爱黑雪妹妹Owner 2021-03-01
The most ridiculous design is not to be divorced from the actual production, but to bring enough profits. You don't even know this in the past 8 years, do you?
伪书生 2021-03-05
I 'd like to point it out one by one, but I don't think it's necessary for you to be happy.
wayne 2021-03-18
I also want to see you point it out. After all, you can only know what needs to be improved and let others learn. Isn't that good?
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Xing志yuan 2021-02-04

Who is Black Snow's sister

大爱黑雪妹妹Owner 2021-02-05
Accelerating the World's Black Snow Hime Entering the House
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等风 2021-02-03

I think the colors made in the back are very good.

囫囵 2021-02-03


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