Bashan Yishui Tea Set Design | BNN Industrial Design

2023-09-26 Home Appliance 4993 2 36


China · Tools&Equipment

Bashan Yishui Tea Set Design | BNN Industrial Design

2023-09-26 Home Appliance 4993 2 36


China · Tools&Equipment

Bashan Yishui Tea Set Design | BNN Industrial Design
Design Idea: The design intention of this tea set comes from the semantics of eight mountains and one water. The shape of the mountain is integrated into the shape of the tea set. In the process of adding water to the tea set, the water flows through the special-shaped filter screen below and falls on the tea mountain like spring rain. Let the process of making tea more vivid, the shape of the cup also fixes the tea into a mountain shape, so that the tea also has its rich light and shadow.

tea set,landscape,Cultural creation,glass,tea,Tea,
tea set,landscape,Cultural creation,glass,tea,Tea,
tea set,landscape,Cultural creation,glass,tea,Tea,
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tea set,landscape,Cultural creation,glass,tea,Tea,
tea set,landscape,Cultural creation,glass,tea,Tea,
tea set,landscape,Cultural creation,glass,tea,Tea,
tea set,landscape,Cultural creation,glass,tea,Tea,
tea set,landscape,Cultural creation,glass,tea,Tea,
tea set,landscape,Cultural creation,glass,tea,Tea,
tea set,landscape,Cultural creation,glass,tea,Tea,
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