Rendering Trainee's Recent Rendering Works

2021-05-03 Home Appliance 4086 7 36


China · Home Appliance

Rendering Trainee's Recent Rendering Works

2021-05-03 Home Appliance 4086 7 36


China · Home Appliance

After three years of hard work in the dark basement, making pictures, watching pictures and practicing pictures, facing the upcoming debut, in spring, summer, autumn and winter, the stars have witnessed too many people who did not succeed in their debut in the end, and understood the difficulty of debut. I hope I can become a trainee who can debut instead of being a security guard. I hope I can➕When Z, everyone can give me a vote, you have a vote, I have a vote, and I will start tomorrow.

toothbrush,Modeling and rendering,high-end,Fairy design,E-commerce design,
toothbrush,Modeling and rendering,high-end,Fairy design,E-commerce design,
toothbrush,Modeling and rendering,high-end,Fairy design,E-commerce design,
toothbrush,Modeling and rendering,high-end,Fairy design,E-commerce design,
toothbrush,Modeling and rendering,high-end,Fairy design,E-commerce design,
toothbrush,Modeling and rendering,high-end,Fairy design,E-commerce design,
toothbrush,Modeling and rendering,high-end,Fairy design,E-commerce design,
toothbrush,Modeling and rendering,high-end,Fairy design,E-commerce design,
toothbrush,Modeling and rendering,high-end,Fairy design,E-commerce design,
36 53
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Comment Board (7)

卡兹 2022-06-20

Why don't you remove so much noise? I feel uncomfortable watching it.

David Liu 2021-05-07

The curved groove on the body of the electric toothbrush is easy to hide dirt and dirt. The switch key is raised too high. The plated decorative parts around it are flush with the curved surface of the fuselage as much as possible. The contour line of the fuselage is too vertical and has a point slope, which will be more beautiful on the whole.

0000 2021-05-06

Can C debut

伏虎 2021-05-06

Is it all rendering?

Pattern-芩川°Owner 2021-05-06
Not all of them, some of the packages are not other single pictures.
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华东第二狙 2021-05-04

What renderer is used

Pattern-芩川°Owner 2021-05-06
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