Aortic Valve-Power X Delivery System

2023-06-19 Medical Instruments 4007 8 42


China · Digital Intelligence

Aortic Valve-Power X Delivery System

2023-06-19 Medical Instruments 4007 8 42


China · Digital Intelligence

This is a previously done cardiovascular intervention medical device project, which will be revised and then sent out for sharing.

Three Types of Medical Devices,Medical Handle,Medical products,

I take the rich surface fading change as the main feature of this product. The position of the fading surface is consistent with the hand position, which can increase friction during operation and conforms to ergonomics. The gentle change of the fading surface can also convey the unique affinity of medical products.

Three Types of Medical Devices,Medical Handle,Medical products,
Three Types of Medical Devices,Medical Handle,Medical products,

In the process of looking for the intention map, I accidentally found that the fading surface can take into account the two characteristics of anti-skid and man-machine, so a scheme with the fading surface as the main feature was born.

Three Types of Medical Devices,Medical Handle,Medical products,
Three Types of Medical Devices,Medical Handle,Medical products,
Three Types of Medical Devices,Medical Handle,Medical products,
Three Types of Medical Devices,Medical Handle,Medical products,
42 36
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Comment Board (8)

007 2023-06-20

Shouldn't medical devices be more friendly? They are all gradual and tough.

小筑听泉Owner 2023-06-20
The fading curves are all softened, so it looks good.
007 2023-06-20
There is no chamfer where you don't see edges and corners.
Write a comment
爱四姐 2023-06-19

梦想成真 2023-06-19

very professional

稳柔 2023-06-19

Cow ah

何必无 2023-06-19

Professional Design

囫囵 2023-06-19

this is so strong

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