Ball, low stool

2022-01-06 Home Furniture 3298 11 22


China · Home Furniture

Ball, low stool

2022-01-06 Home Furniture 3298 11 22


China · Home Furniture

This is a low stool that can be used in many scenes. The material is aluminum surface powder spraying process. It can be used normally not only indoors or even outdoors in the wind and sun. The highlight of the design is the small ball on the edge of the stool, which has no specific function and no specific element pointing. What the designer wants is that everyone has a different interpretation of it, which can be rabbit tail or candy... there are two types of low stool: rectangular stool and round stool, each with five colors. However, the color matching style they use is somewhat different. The color matching of the round stool is softer, just like its shape.

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furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
furniture design ,Diligent design,product design,original,chair,stool,
22 14
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Comment Board (11)

RavenS 2022-01-07

Very nice!! if I don't think it can be stacked, the feeling of stacking on the map takes up a bit of space. I don't know if it is intended to show this?

勤勉的设计Owner 2022-01-07
Yes, in order to show the effect, this design does not have the function of stacking
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0000 2022-01-06

What is the function of the ball?

coco 2022-01-06

Appreciated, ha ha

勤勉的设计Owner 2022-01-06
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像你一样勇敢 2022-01-06

A little cute

勤勉的设计Owner 2022-01-06
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安好。 2022-01-06

Bunny's little tail, powerful, strong inspiration

勤勉的设计Owner 2022-01-06
Thank you
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sunny 2022-01-06

Well, seeing this design is a bit funny and amusing. it is also a design

勤勉的设计Owner 2022-01-06
Er, yo, good
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