Shui Ling · Surface Unmanned Rescue System

2021-05-20 Tools&Equipment 10521 6 105


China · Other Industries

Shui Ling · Surface Unmanned Rescue System

2021-05-20 Tools&Equipment 10521 6 105


China · Other Industries

According to the World Health Organization's global report on drowning, more than 40 people die every hour in the world. About 372000 people die from drowning every year, accounting for 2/3 of malnutrition deaths and more than half of malaria deaths. In China, about 59000 people die of drowning every year, of which more than 95% are minors, especially children aged 1-4. The design concept: water rescue is more difficult than land rescue, mainly because the rescue time is short, drowning for more than 5 minutes, There will be life danger; the danger is large, the water situation is complicated, and the rescuers may drown and die if they are careless or overdrawn during the rescue process. At present, after receiving the alarm, rescuers arrive at the scene with relief materials (life buoys, food, etc.), and the rescue speed is relatively slow. The water spirit and water surface unmanned rescue system came into being.

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concept,UAV,lifesaving,Boat,rescue,search for and rescue,
concept,UAV,lifesaving,Boat,rescue,search for and rescue,
concept,UAV,lifesaving,Boat,rescue,search for and rescue,
concept,UAV,lifesaving,Boat,rescue,search for and rescue,
concept,UAV,lifesaving,Boat,rescue,search for and rescue,
concept,UAV,lifesaving,Boat,rescue,search for and rescue,
concept,UAV,lifesaving,Boat,rescue,search for and rescue,
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Comment Board (6)

Redamancy 2021-05-20


SOVY–老水Owner 2021-05-20
Thank you
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祝福街 2021-05-20

There will definitely be drops in the future

SOVY–老水Owner 2021-05-20
I believe
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帅到没朋友 2021-05-20

Great idea!

SOVY–老水Owner 2021-05-20
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