Ocean-Marble Bookend

2022-10-18 Office Products 3547 5 26


China · Home Appliance

Ocean-Marble Bookend

2022-10-18 Office Products 3547 5 26


China · Home Appliance

Ocean is a set of marble bookends, a set of artwork placed on a bookshelf. Our bookend concept is inspired by the beautiful freezing moment of the ocean. We use black marble as its material. We imagine the texture of marble that looks like black water as flowing water, and through the design, we use a poetic and aesthetic bookend as a small sculpture on the shelf.

Ocean is a set of marble bookends for home decoration. It's a piece of art for your books on the bookshelf. We imagined that marble as fluid water that froze the beautiful moment. Our concept of the bookend is inspired by the ocean, we use black marble as its material that looks like the texture of the black water. We want to design a poetic and aesthetic bookend that inspires people and use it as a small sculpture on their shelf.

Industrial design / 2022 / Stationery
Designed by Fuhua Wang, Weichih Chen

articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,

A heavy stone with a poetic story
Ocean is made of black marble and can also be used as a paperweight on a desk. We retain the original characteristics of this material and present its beauty in an ingenious way.

Ocean is made of black marble that can also be used as a paperweight on your desk. We keep the characteristic of this raw material, think wider, and use clever ways to present its beauty.

articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,

Design, packaging design Packaging
As designers, we have the responsibility to make our packaging as environmentally friendly as possible. Considering the light and luxurious appearance and texture of the product, we have designed a delicate mid-seam hardcover box that can be completely recycled at the end of its life cycle. At the same time, it also brings a perfect box opening experience to this luxurious artwork.

As a designer, we have responsibilities to make our packaging as eco-friendly as possible. Considering the premium look and feel, we designed a premium raphe box that can be fully recycled at the end of its life cycle. At the same time, it brings the perfect open experience for this luxury product.

articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
articles for daily use,Arts and Crafts,Office Supplies,Keepsake,Marble,Bookends,Cultural and creative products,Render,
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Comment Board (5)

Gloria 2022-10-18

金桔柠檬 2022-10-18

It is suitable for making exquisite gifts and ornaments.

熊熊 2022-10-18


没边儿际 2022-10-18

Imagination is rich.

@文豪最 2022-10-18

What a foreign style

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