GOT'EM 2020 sneakers New Year theme Wen Chuang gift bag couplet red envelope

2019-12-12 Other Industries 1545 4 3


China · Other Industries

GOT'EM 2020 sneakers New Year theme Wen Chuang gift bag couplet red envelope

2019-12-12 Other Industries 1545 4 3


China · Other Industries

Those who don't understand sneakers may not understand. Look carefully at the picture description. This is also a new angle for the same New Year couplet! Combine with hobbies. Let you really want to buy and like New Year's culture. As a product designer, in the year before last, into the shoe ring. With the increasing number of shoes, I felt a little less, so I began to collect all kinds of sneakers around to decorate my sneakers. But the same online makes me less passionate. With the rise of this year's national tide culture and the development of cultural and creative surroundings, I wonder why we can't create a brand-new category of cultural and creative sneakers. Now, the new start, GOT'ET 2020 is coming. Share and Love

gym shoes,Red envelopes,Couplet,new year,
gym shoes,Red envelopes,Couplet,new year,
gym shoes,Red envelopes,Couplet,new year,
gym shoes,Red envelopes,Couplet,new year,
gym shoes,Red envelopes,Couplet,new year,
gym shoes,Red envelopes,Couplet,new year,
gym shoes,Red envelopes,Couplet,new year,
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Comment Board (4)

空城旧人心 2019-12-12

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who are wearing sports shoes, are both handsome

健身猫奴Owner 2019-12-12
Thank you
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巧克力 2019-12-12

Do you sell it? I like it very much.

健身猫奴Owner 2019-12-12
I didn't do it because I couldn't keep up with my own propaganda.
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