Electric kettle design

2024-03-11 Home Appliance 2147 6 17


China · Home Furniture

Electric kettle design

2024-03-11 Home Appliance 2147 6 17


China · Home Furniture

Netease strict selection of electric kettle design scheme 2023
I have always felt that kitchen products should have the original appearance of kitchen utensils, and products should be able to integrate well into the home environment, instead of being independent or constantly stacking functions that are almost useless. The essence of an electric kettle is a container for boiling water. The essence of the container has been fixed in the psychology of consumers since ancient times. The core of the design scheme of this electric kettle is to "weaken the electronic attributes of electronic products" to enhance the attributes of household utensils. The elements of ceramic utensils used for reference in appearance are close to ceramic texture, elegant and moist, and can be better integrated into the household environment.

Electric kettle,
Electric kettle,
Electric kettle,
Electric kettle,
Electric kettle,
Electric kettle,
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Comment Board (6)

Hello, hello. I'm here to make prototype proofing. All kinds of technological requirements can be done. If necessary, please contact me for information.

别回头 2024-03-12

Can be said to be quite good

想多了 2024-03-12

I feel that the capacity is very large.

无名小姐 2024-03-12

simple look

喝啥哟 2024-03-11

with texture

小丑八怪 2024-03-11

this black is good

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