Small Coffee Maker-Future Retro Y2K

2022-09-13 Home Appliance 27120 85 423
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Small Coffee Maker-Future Retro Y2K

2022-09-13 Home Appliance 27120 85 423
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A cup of American refreshing in the morning, a cup of coffee on the way to work and study, and a cup of coffee and heart-to-heart talk with friends on weekends seem to have become a portrayal of our life. In addition to the first cup of milk tea in autumn, the happy water at home, the late-night sorrowful wine, and an extra cup of chicken blood coffee.
The "Wang Xinling's Boy", which was very popular some time ago, made many things turn red and retro memories swept through. If I were to choose a retro year, then I think it would be 2000. Y2K is a year that can be used to express style. If Y2k is only retro, it must be narrow. It is more a tribute to the future and a dreamy utopian expectation of future science and technology. It is also in this era when some people are afraid of technology and some people are looking forward to technology that various designs have appeared, and retro and future constructions have appeared. It is also the inspiration for this coffee machine.

Product Design: Aya
Creative Director: Abai
Visual execution: RECHER
3D execution: Abai/Aya
Graphic design: RECHER

Shenzhen Oxygen Design Co., Ltd.
We hope to surprise the same life occasionally.

A cup of American refreshment in the morning, a cup of coffee on the way to work and study, and a cup of coffee with friends during weekend leisure time, these pictures seem to have become a portrayal of our life. In addition to the first cup of milk tea in the autumn, the happy water at home, the late-night quenching wine, and an extra cup of chicken blood coffee in our life.
The Internet hot stalk "Wang Xinling's Boy", which was very popular some time ago, also became popular during that time, and retro memories swept in. If I had to choose a vintage year, I would think it would be 2000. Y2K is a year that can be used to express style. If Y2k is just retro, it must be narrow, and it is more of retro tribute to the future, yes The dreamy utopian expectation of future technology. It is also in this era when some people are afraid of technology and some people look forward to it, various designs and retro and futuristic constructions appear. Also the inspiration for this coffee machine.

Product Design: Aya
Creative Director: A Bai
Visual execution: RECHER
3D Execution: A Bai/A Ya
Graphic Design: RECHER

Affiliation: Shenzhen Oxygen Design Co., Ltd.
We want to make life unchanging with occasional surprises

Coffee machine,Oxygen making design,Small coffee machine,Home coffee machine,y2k,Millennium crisis,retro future ,
Coffee machine,Oxygen making design,Small coffee machine,Home coffee machine,y2k,Millennium crisis,retro future ,
Coffee machine,Oxygen making design,Small coffee machine,Home coffee machine,y2k,Millennium crisis,retro future ,
Coffee machine,Oxygen making design,Small coffee machine,Home coffee machine,y2k,Millennium crisis,retro future ,
Coffee machine,Oxygen making design,Small coffee machine,Home coffee machine,y2k,Millennium crisis,retro future ,
Coffee machine,Oxygen making design,Small coffee machine,Home coffee machine,y2k,Millennium crisis,retro future ,
Coffee machine,Oxygen making design,Small coffee machine,Home coffee machine,y2k,Millennium crisis,retro future ,
Coffee machine,Oxygen making design,Small coffee machine,Home coffee machine,y2k,Millennium crisis,retro future ,
Coffee machine,Oxygen making design,Small coffee machine,Home coffee machine,y2k,Millennium crisis,retro future ,
Coffee machine,Oxygen making design,Small coffee machine,Home coffee machine,y2k,Millennium crisis,retro future ,
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Comment Board (85)


Daniel! If the public does not abandon, cloth is willing to worship as the adoptive father!

小左的佐 2022-11-24

If you don't deny that there is innovation, the concept also needs to be supported by something, and you have to show it. If you think this is a very conceptual one, you can also understand it differently.

美味蟹黄堡 2022-11-24

After reading the comments, the most intense discussion is the coffee machine structure and water tank. Although I have only been making coffee machines for two years, I have also made coffee machines with this concept. Personally, I think this is very beautiful, and it will be very innovative in the future. To tell the truth, I have been amazed, and the design has been innovating, and the structure must follow closely. If you keep thinking in the existing way, it will be difficult to make progress.
You can look at Starbucks' Libra coffee machine, and they have realized this water intake method.

小左的佐 2022-11-19

I can't see the water tank, and there is no milk bubble. There is also a problem with the coffee powder. The round bayonet is too short. One thing to say, this issue is a bit too superficial, and I may not understand this product.

葡萄籽 2022-11-24
After reading the comments, the most intense discussion is the coffee machine structure and water tank. Although I have only been making coffee machines for two years, I have also made coffee machines with this concept. Personally, I think this is very beautiful, and it will be very innovative in the future. To tell the truth, I have been amazed, and the design has been innovating, and the structure must follow closely. If you keep thinking in the existing way, it will be difficult to make progress.
You can look at Starbucks' Libra coffee machine, and they have realized this water intake method.
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炉火糖粥` 2022-11-18

Do undefined designs

跨次元 2022-11-18

Good-looking, but one thing I understand, is this not easy to fall?

初级小工 2022-11-18

Can you tell me how to clean the water tank? Can the bottom be disassembled?

150****8473 2022-11-10

萧慕苡 2022-09-20

When will the rendering be a tutorial, big brother!!!

丶郝尚真Gallo! 2022-09-17


造氧设计-阿白Owner 2022-09-19
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Foggy 2022-09-16

I really took it. It's too handsome, isn't it

造氧设计-阿白Owner 2022-09-16
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Lamson 2022-09-16

No order, looking forward to delivery

造氧设计-阿白Owner 2022-09-16
Home delivery
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1757602714 2022-09-15

Boss, is this C4D rendering effect

造氧设计-阿白Owner 2022-09-15
It is rendered keyshot
187****9602 2022-11-18
Ks can actually render such a strong light and shadow effect. Please ask me and give me a tutorial.
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请叫我靓仔 2022-09-15

After reading the comment area, everyone's emphasis is on the beauty of the picture, staying on the visual side. I didn't return to thinking about the product itself. I personally think that as a point of discussion and communication for product designers, I should return to thinking about the essence of the product so that everyone can make progress together. For example, is the coffee machine reasonable in this shape, is the water receiving hole of the water receiving tray reasonable in this design, and is the water tank placed in that place?

阿政 2022-09-15
Please point out what you think is inappropriate in the product design itself, not for example, please be confident.
造氧设计-阿白Owner 2022-09-15
Hi ~ this handsome boy. We allow different views under the work, and everyone cares differently. You are welcome to express your opinions on the work. The little friends at the back like to look at the appearance, like to look at the typesetting, like to look at the rendering, I like to look at the rendering. Oxygen production is still very spoiled to you. you can express your own opinions and not others. we can only fight when we take the tutorial class (old terrier)
请叫我靓仔 2022-09-16
Because the most important item is the coffee machine, I will talk a lot. The coffee machine has a water tank, and the picture does not see the location of the water tank in that place. If it is built in, there should also be a lid open, and then lift the water tank to add water. But from the effect diagram, it is not built in it, so where is the "killer water tank"?
请叫我靓仔 2022-09-16
Haha, the rendering and typesetting ability of oxygen-making design is obvious to all, so we will not write a small composition alone to praise it.
造氧设计-阿白Owner 2022-09-16
The water tank is at the bottom.
请叫我靓仔 2022-09-16
I looked back at the bottom several times. I couldn't see where the water tank was and how to put it down when the bottom was so thin.
VC 2022-09-17
Look at his picture that can see the structure. Water is added from the top, flows through the water pipe to the bottom, and then pumped from the bottom to the top for use. My big doubt is, how to clean this water tank and the too long water pipe, will it be easy to fall down if it is top-heavy, and this style is Y2K???
请叫我靓仔 2022-09-17
Yes, it is also a problem if it is cleaned like this. This is still without considering the structure and cost. The water tank is at the bottom. In this shape, the water tank cannot be molded. Even if the model can be produced, the capacity of the water tank is very small. Now the minimum capacity of the coffee machine water tank on the market is 600ML.
VC 2022-09-19
The overall disassembly and assembly feeling is also very immature, because there are many disassembly parts, and the disassembly feeling is not mature enough. For example, the upper part is the upper and lower disassembly parts. With such a large thing and drawing angle, the gap control will not be so good. The front and rear disassembly will be better. The bottom and the upper part should be connected by screws. Now, if there is no screw position, the bottom disassembly parts are not very good and the assembly is not easy, the mold is also large. These problems feel that they can be solved, but they all have to add money. When they appear at the same time, they feel immature.
TT 2022-11-18
The light and shadow are too messy and a little blind ~ I can't see the product itself clearly · ·
Omen 2022-11-21
the water tank at the bottom, water in the middle of it was out of sight, and such water-tray and relief of whether there will be interference and feeling to a capsule coffee machine would be more appropriate
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BIBBYANG 2022-09-15

Wow, that's a good look.

造氧设计-阿白Owner 2022-09-15
Thank you for liking
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