Small electric steamer

2023-05-26 Home Appliance 5406 3 42


China · Home Appliance

Small electric steamer

2023-05-26 Home Appliance 5406 3 42


China · Home Appliance

Creative organization: Shanglai Industrial Product Design Co., Ltd.
Service Content: Product Strategy | Product Design | Innovative Structure Research and Development | Product Landing Follow-up | Scene Rendering | Graphic Design | Product Modeling | Brand Case

Due to the limited living space, they tend to choose products that are practical, simple and light, and do not take up too much space. As a healthy cooking method, "steaming" can not only retain the nutrients of food without destroying its own taste and taste, but also the cooking method is very simple. Therefore, electric steamer has gradually been sought after and favored by many young people.

Therefore, the designer looks for inspiration from the living habits and aesthetic characteristics of young people, and according to their aesthetic preferences, designs this simple, stylish and personalized electric steamer that conforms to their aesthetic style.

Appearance design,Home appliance design,product design,
Appearance design,Home appliance design,product design,
Appearance design,Home appliance design,product design,
Appearance design,Home appliance design,product design,
Appearance design,Home appliance design,product design,
Appearance design,Home appliance design,product design,
Appearance design,Home appliance design,product design,
Appearance design,Home appliance design,product design,
42 65
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Comment Board (3)

The drawing pattern is not pasted properly

再遇见 2023-05-27

我不吃糖 2023-05-27

Very nice ~

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