Breast system appearance design

2023-03-16 Medical Instruments 134 0 0


China · Medical Instruments

Breast system appearance design

2023-03-16 Medical Instruments 134 0 0


China · Medical Instruments

The breast system detection equipment is simple and generous as a whole, increasing the sense of science and technology, adopting streamlined design and enriching the overall sense of hierarchy with fading surface. Smooth lines and color block segmentation design in gray and white areas; When designing and operating equipment, the handle is convenient to adjust its position. The overall modeling design of the equipment takes into account man-machine, and the detection port adopts micro-arc concave design, making it more comfortable to use.

medical apparatus and instruments,Inspection instrument,equipment,
medical apparatus and instruments,Inspection instrument,equipment,
medical apparatus and instruments,Inspection instrument,equipment,
medical apparatus and instruments,Inspection instrument,equipment,
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