SodaSoda soda machine design

2024-05-23 Home Appliance 2406 6 22

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China · Home Appliance

SodaSoda soda machine design

2024-05-23 Home Appliance 2406 6 22

New Beats

China · Home Appliance

SodaSoda soda machine design

Soda machine,industrial design,Design,Household appliances,product design,Home appliance design,household electrical appliances,Household product design,

Soda Soda

The design is intended to make it easier for people to make a soda or soda drink at home. It contains a 500mL water bottle and a soda machine for injecting carbon dioxide into water or beverages. Users can drink directly from a water bottle. Since the water bottle is well sealed, users can also use it as an outdoor water bottle. The bottle can also be used with a separate blender to make sparkling drinks elegantly and efficiently at a very low cost.

Soda machine,industrial design,Design,Household appliances,product design,Home appliance design,household electrical appliances,Household product design,

visual style

When considering the visual style of the product, we want to make the product have a visual effect that is more suitable for its function and user group. So we try to find inspiration by researching and understanding consumers. We found the most promising group of potential users to be urban young people who want to make their own food or drinks at home occasionally and live a more refined lifestyle. Therefore, we decided to adopt a visual style that makes the device seem not just a tool for efficiency, but to create a sense of ritual and create a pleasant and elegant user experience when using the product. This is similar to some high-end coffee equipment, and we found a lot of inspiration from some existing coffee machine products.

Soda machine,industrial design,Design,Household appliances,product design,Home appliance design,household electrical appliances,Household product design,

Locking mechanism

Another problem we need to solve before the actual design is to determine the locking mechanism of the product. This is crucial for the design, as different locking mechanisms result in a completely different user experience. Here I 've listed three locking mechanisms that we thought of during development. The first is to use threads such as screws to connect the machine and the bottle. The second is to use a mechanical latch that grabs the bottle when the button is pressed. The third is to use a rubber pad between the bottle and the machine, and when the user applies pressure downward, the two are sealed. Finally, I chose to use a combination of the second and third methods to complete my final design.

Soda machine,industrial design,Design,Household appliances,product design,Home appliance design,household electrical appliances,Household product design,

Rubber Pad

I added rubber pads to the top and bottom of the device. The bottom rubber pad will increase the resistance between the device and the table and prevent the machine from moving on the table when in use. The top pad will provide a surface where the user can press the rubber pad with one hand and control the lever with the other hand. The top rubber pad can make it more comfortable for users with less physical strength. Press the rubber pad with one hand, the product will be more stable and trustworthy when used. Users can also place glasses on the top of the device for easy use, which will also become an obvious visual element of the product, making the visual effect of the product more memorable.

Soda machine,industrial design,Design,Household appliances,product design,Home appliance design,household electrical appliances,Household product design,

Gas cylinder replacement

We hope to create a smooth and simple operation for users to replace used cylinders. We use some self-locking mechanism in the design to make the product more stable. When the rear door is opened, the latch that presses the bottle shaft will be unlocked at the same time, and the user can pull the bottle out and insert another bottle. The locking mechanism between the cylinder and the valve can also be used as a foolproof mechanism. The user can only install the new cylinder on the equipment at a circumferential angle. If the user does not install the cylinder correctly, the valve will also prevent any gas from being pumped into the cylinder. This also prevents any danger from operating errors when installing the gas cylinder

Soda machine,industrial design,Design,Household appliances,product design,Home appliance design,household electrical appliances,Household product design,
Soda machine,industrial design,Design,Household appliances,product design,Home appliance design,household electrical appliances,Household product design,
Soda machine,industrial design,Design,Household appliances,product design,Home appliance design,household electrical appliances,Household product design,
22 12
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Comment Board (6)

铁柱 2024-06-03

Do the structure, find me

冲奶机 2024-05-28

very good

SUPERME 2024-05-28

Love to drink soda water

AABB 2024-05-28

The picture is a bit mushy.

小丑八怪 2024-05-23

I just need it in summer.

我心瞎 2024-05-23


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