Blood lipid detector

2022-05-19 Medical Instruments 679 1 6


China · Medical Instruments

Blood lipid detector

2022-05-19 Medical Instruments 679 1 6


China · Medical Instruments

This project is that the company wants to develop a blood lipid analyzer. It is the company's first round of design plan by understanding the blood lipid analyzer on the market. If it is killed, it will be sent out. (Upload the work for the first time, ask for light spray)

Blood sugar, blood lipid and detection,
Blood sugar, blood lipid and detection,
Blood sugar, blood lipid and detection,
Blood sugar, blood lipid and detection,
Blood sugar, blood lipid and detection,
Blood sugar, blood lipid and detection,
6 3
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五叁贰 2022-05-19

First! Big Brother is so strong!

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