The product of future medical cardiac surgery-cardiac interventional magnetic navigation system design

2019-04-18 Medical Instruments 4332 10 16


China · Other Industries

The product of future medical cardiac surgery-cardiac interventional magnetic navigation system design

2019-04-18 Medical Instruments 4332 10 16


China · Other Industries

Design: Top grade design service customers: Lepu Medical won the 2018IF Award, the 2016 China Red Star Award, and the China Good Design Award. The cardiac interventional magnetic navigation system is a large-scale medical device developed using the top technology in the current medical field.

Red Star Award,Design of magnetic navigation system,Medical products,

Magnetic navigation technology is a remote control technology guided by an exogenous magnetic field. Compared with manual operation, it can completely eliminate serious complications such as heart perforation, manipulate catheters at will, and avoid remote control operations of X-ray radiation, and can be remote across provinces and cities. Operate and perform multiple operations simultaneously with the same surgeon.

Red Star Award,Design of magnetic navigation system,Medical products,
Red Star Award,Design of magnetic navigation system,Medical products,
Red Star Award,Design of magnetic navigation system,Medical products,
Red Star Award,Design of magnetic navigation system,Medical products,
Red Star Award,Design of magnetic navigation system,Medical products,
Red Star Award,Design of magnetic navigation system,Medical products,
Red Star Award,Design of magnetic navigation system,Medical products,
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Can I say no

啦啦啦 2019-04-19
Can you tell me the reason?
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巧克力 2019-04-19

It's great to say come on ~ ~

上品设计Owner 2019-04-19
Thank you ~
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蜜蜂翁嗡嗡 2019-04-19

The picture with the red star award logo looks a little fuzzy ~ ~

上品设计Owner 2019-04-19
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睿然 2019-04-19

This is pretty good

上品设计Owner 2019-04-19
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蓝鲸 2019-04-19

The avatar is very good

上品设计Owner 2019-04-19
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